/slash 2014 – Day 10: The ABCs of Death 2

The ABCs of Death 2The ABCs of Death 2
USA/New Zealand/Canada/Israel/Japan 2013
Written by far too many people to mention them all
Directed by… see above

This will be one of my shorter reviews; not because I haven’t got anything to say about the movie, but because I believe that it works best if you don’t know the names of the segments in advance. Finding out what deaths they came up with is half of the fun, in my opinion. This also means, however, that I can hardly talk about the individual segments. What I can tell you is that I preferred this one to its predecessor. While there were a couple of great segments in that one too, there was also some really weird stuff that wasn’t to my liking. Somehow, most of the stuff here seemed more straightforward. There was less crazy japanese shit, less toilet humor, and so on. So if those were the segments you loved the most in the first one, prepare to be underwhelmed by this sequel. My hands-down favorite segment of the movie was “S”, with “X” a close second. The other ones were mostly nice and entertaining too, and overall, they were very different, thus the movie offers a lot of variety that should guarantee that everyone will find a least a couple of segments tha he likes. But, of course, the downside of that is that pretty much everyone will have those shorts that don’t really do anything for him/her. For me, most of the animated segments fell rather flat, especially “D”. And I was a little disappointed by Marvin Krens segment (which I was looking forward to, since he directed last years opening feature “Blood Glacier”), because while it definitely looked nice, I found it to be rather unimaginative. However, overall I enjoyed this way more than the first one.


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1 Response to /slash 2014 – Day 10: The ABCs of Death 2

  1. Pingback: ABCs of Death 2 (2014) | kalafudra's Stuff

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